Engineering Blog


Cloud Native

Kubernetes: Steering the Course for New Horizons in the Second Decade – A Google Podcast

Kubernetes: Steering the Course for New Horizons in the Second Decade – A Google Podcast

Kubernetes, the container orchestration platform, has become a cornerstone of modern cloud infrastructure. As it enters its second decade, Google’s podcast explores the project’s leadership and the future with key figures: Nikita Raghunath, Nabarun Pal, and Paco Xu. Insights and Advice for the Kubernetes Community This podcast delves into their journeys within Kubernetes leadership, exploring…

Platform Aware Scheduling: Making Smarter Kubernetes Decisions

Platform Aware Scheduling: Making Smarter Kubernetes Decisions

Platform Aware Scheduling (PAS) is a powerful tool for optimizing workload placement in Kubernetes clusters. It empowers the Kubernetes scheduler to make intelligent decisions by incorporating platform-specific attributes. What is Platform Aware Scheduling? PAS is a collection of projects designed to expose platform data to the Kubernetes scheduler. This data can then be used to…

Streamline Operations: Powerful Kubernetes Logging Strategies for Improved Visibility

Streamline Operations: Powerful Kubernetes Logging Strategies for Improved Visibility

Introduction In the realm of microservices and containerized applications, efficient management and monitoring of application health and performance are paramount. Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, has emerged as the go-to solution for businesses seeking agility and resilience. However, managing logs in Kubernetes remains a significant hurdle due…

The Path Ahead: Leveraging KEDA for Performance Transformation

The Path Ahead: Leveraging KEDA for Performance Transformation

Introduction: Embracing Innovation in IT In today’s ever-evolving IT landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential for driving operational excellence and delivering exceptional user experiences. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses are increasingly seeking innovative solutions to optimize their data processing infrastructure. In this pursuit, the integration of Kubernetes Event-Driven…

Don’t Let Your Users Disconnect! Achieve True Zero-Downtime with Kubernetes

Don’t Let Your Users Disconnect! Achieve True Zero-Downtime with Kubernetes

This article dives into achieving true zero-downtime deployments in Kubernetes, specifically focusing on avoiding disruptions during rolling updates that can lead to broken client connections. The Challenge: Rolling Updates and Downtime While Kubernetes offers rolling updates for seamless application upgrades, these updates can introduce brief downtime windows. This downtime, measured in microseconds to seconds, might…

HashiCorp Unveils ILM Blueprint for Asia & Australia: Automate Cloud Infrastructure for Efficiency

HashiCorp Unveils ILM Blueprint for Asia & Australia: Automate Cloud Infrastructure for Efficiency

Cut cloud costs and gain infrastructure control with HashiCorp’s Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM) solutions. This blog post dives into a recent webinar focused on helping operations teams in Asia and Australia leverage HashiCorp’s ILM offerings within The Infrastructure Cloud. HashiCorp Infrastructure Cloud: The Event Details The ILM Challenge: Building, Deploying, and Managing Efficient Cloud Infrastructure…

Celebrating 10 Years of Kubernetes: Google Podcast with Tim Hockin & Kelsey Hightower

Celebrating 10 Years of Kubernetes: Google Podcast with Tim Hockin & Kelsey Hightower

The very first commit for Kubernetes on GitHub happened on June 6th, 2014. Kubernetes didn’t happen overnight. It started at Google to tackle the challenges of managing containerized applications at scale. In essence, Kubernetes was designed to simplify the management of containerized applications by providing an automated orchestration platform. Don’t miss this milestone episode of…

98% Faster Data Imports: Optimizing Deployment Previews with Velero

98% Faster Data Imports: Optimizing Deployment Previews with Velero

Imagine waiting 20 minutes just to preview your code changes. This was the reality for engineers before optimizing the deployment preview process. This blog post dives into how a staggering 98% reduction in data import times was achieved, making ephemeral environments truly ephemeral. The Pain Point: Slow Data Imports In December 2023, user interviews (think:…

MKAT: Secure Your Managed Kubernetes Environment with Automated Auditing

MKAT: Secure Your Managed Kubernetes Environment with Automated Auditing

In today’s cloud-native world, securing your Kubernetes environment is paramount. Managed Kubernetes services like Amazon EKS offer convenience, but maintaining robust security requires vigilance. Enter MKAT, the Managed Kubernetes Auditing Toolkit, your one-stop shop for identifying common security vulnerabilities within your EKS cluster. Here’s what MKAT can do for you: Beyond the Features: How Does…

Automating Docker Security with Kaniko, Cosign, Kyverno

Automating Docker Security with Kaniko, Cosign, Kyverno

In the world of software development, delivering high-quality software quickly, securely, and reliably is paramount. Docker images simplify deployment, but they can also introduce challenges. This blog post explores how to automate these procedures to maximize the benefits of Docker images, using real-world examples from  BIOCAD, a biotech company. Building Secure Docker Images with Kaniko…